Junuary 2020
Well this year started off in the most horrendous way with the Coronavirus bringing the entire world to a standstill for numerous weeks and the immediate future does not look like it will be much better. The current situation with the police and the senseless killings of George Floyd and others has brought into sharp focus the problems of equality and fairness in our society and the need to respond to these problems now. Our hearts go out to all the families who are grieving and effected by these tragic events and we pray they can find peace and hope for the future in the days to come.
Since I had all this time on my hands I was able to get the website caught up and open sections that have been under construction for too long. We had such a warm and sunny early spring but June has been the usual wet and cool weather we normally get hence the title of this letter. Ugh. This is the first installment of what I hope to be a monthly newsletter from here on out. We will be posting information on upcoming tours and highlights of our past tours as well as our ideas for new tours in the coming years. Marcia and I are grateful for all of our past members and look forward to seeing some of you next year. We have pushed out all of the tours since we had to cancel this year altogether so the website reflects future tours until 2024. Prices will be posted after we get them from our vendors. Since they don’t know what they will be charging for next year yet, we don’t either. I will post them as soon as possible. As it stands now we are planning to go ahead with the Scotland tour May 8-15, 2021. That is assuming there will be a vaccine and the borders in Europe will be open to US citizens. We will be updating the site with this and other information as we get it. Until then please stay safe and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Kelli and Marcia